Saturday, November 6, 2010

I am learning this...

Only the gospel can liberate us from our enslaving thirst to control what others think about us.

Just a quick follow up. This is one of the other side effects of being the "smart kid" or the "funny guy". I began to live out of what others liked best about me. It's pretty hard to have others see Jesus Christ when they look at you if you are spending your time trying to desperately control the image other people see. It's not authentic or genuine.

In beginning to learn that my life and worth are defined by what God has done for me rather than the things I do, it blows up the need to control others' perceptions of me. I can rest in the fact that I am enough because of Christ. I find it much easier now to just be me. I have fewer desires to appear like I have it all together. In fact, I find it more liberating to admit my failures. In doing so, deeper conversations can take place because others are disarmed by my admissions of weakness and God's strength is made great when others know that he has sustained me and pursued me through selfishness and sin.

I am caring less what others think and more of what God thinks. I am learning.

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