Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Right Side of History

When people warned of Obama's desire to FUNDAMENTALLY change America, this is a key example of what they are talking about. His primary goal is not to fix this country's problems but rather to overhaul the principles that made this nation great. I believe he has two main purposes in doing so:

1) To impose on the American people his idea of fairness, which was most likely instilled/fostered during his 20 years in Reverend Wright's social liberal theology "church".

2) To aggregate and concentrate more power in Washington so he, and those on his side, can better implement purpose #1 while also being better able to control and dismiss those who oppose his agenda.

Notice that neither of those purposes have anything to do with making this country better. In fact, #2 all by itself will make certain that the forward progress of our nation will cease.

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