Monday, December 31, 2007

Quick Follow Up

Bill Keller's devotional from 12/30 did a good job of spelling out the church's responsibilities and it is certainly worth repeating here:

The church's greatest responsibility is to bring the lost to faith in Jesus Christ. I realize the church is to spiritually feed its members, to equip the saints for service, to be a place where Believers can find fellowship with other Believers, and where most followers of Christ serve Him. However, without question the most important job of the church is to reach out to the lost and hurting and to help lead people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, the forgiveness of their sins, and God's free gift of everlasting life through faith in His Son!

Thank you Lord for our time together this evening. May Your Name be glorified throughout this broken world and in my life in 2008. Amen!

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