Sunday, May 20, 2007

Random Thoughts

Zach Johnson wins another golf tournament. Perhaps Iowa is the new Mecca for golf prodigies. I know I am holding up my end of the bargain. I was playing with a guy last week whose daughter just graduated from Drake University. Apparently Zach is slated to give the commencement address. See how I tie it all together with a pretty yellow bow?

I've run into the word "insouciance" twice today in my readings. Still not exactly sure what it means.

The Gene Simmons reality show is darn good TV.

Now begins the long summer season with no new Office episodes. It won't be easy.

2 more weeks until a little vacation. I need it. Badly.

My boss is in Disneyworld with his family. I recently heard that Walt Disney first look at Missouri to build his theme park. He was supposedly going to start here and then have one on each coast. Anheuser Busch was going to help finance the project but when Walt said beer sales wouldn't be allowed the deal fell through.

You know that Coke commercial where the old guy says, "The capital of Djibouti is Djibouti"? Turns out that is a real country over in the Middle East.

Weekends go way too fast.

Why do I buy bananas? I only eat about 40% of them.

The Cardinals won't win the World Series this year.

I'm tired. Goodnight Gracie.

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