Sunday, March 1, 2009

Gotta Look at the Details

I think I have found the clearest example of what Obama truly intends to accomplish...and it's not helping poor people despite his efforts to shape his public perception in such a manner. His plan to put new restrictions on the deductibility of charitable contributions says it all. If he really cared about those who are struggling and less fortunate he would never consider such a measure. In fact, he would go in the other direction. He should offer tax CREDITS for charitable donations if he was really serious about helping people. But that isn't what Obama really wants to do. He wants to grow the government and concentrate power in Washington DC, first and foremost. If needy people can no longer receive the level of private charitable help with which they have become accustomed then they will turn to the only remaining viable option.


And that's how you maintain and grow your voter base.

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